What is the Profile Report?

This article explains the Profile Report. It is closely related to Select 6 but it is not the same thing.


To help you choose your comparison institutions, we ask all participating institutions to provide general profile information. After gathering the data, we compile it into a Profile Report. This report provides institutions with valuable information about the size and scope of the other participating institutions campus or program. The data is then transformed into a filterable spreadsheet, which is made accessible to all institutions. This spreadsheet serves as a helpful resource for choosing Select 6 comparison schools.

Once it is time to complete your Profile, an e-mail notification will be sent to the main order contact. Keep in mind that the request email for Select 6 will be sent a month after the profile email. You will then have approximately one month to finalize both your profile and your Select 6 choices.

If you fail to enter or update your profile data on an annual basis, we will automatically utilize the information from the previous year. If an institution's information is blank, it indicates that the institution did not provide profile information. However, you are still able to choose them for your comparative Select 6. Once you have completed your profile, you will have the option to print this report for future reference or revisit it at any time. Additionally, you will receive an email requesting you to enter your Select 6 comparison school selections separately.