IRB and Human Subject Approval Document

This article contains our IRB and Human Subject Approval Document

Protection of Human Subjects

These surveys are for institutional improvement rather than research. Therefore, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval may not be required; however each campus should follow local norms and procedures.  Should a review by the institution’s IRB be required, the application might benefit from the following points.

  • Respondents do not provide their names or identification numbers. While electronic surveys are returned by email, all e-mail address information is removed by Benchworks by Elentra from the data file before any campus representative has access to it.
  • Respondents are presented with the following Privacy Policy prior to beginning the survey:
  • Benchworks by Elentra Privacy Policy consists of the Macmillan Learning Privacy Policy together with the Benchworks by Elentra Addendum (together, the "Benchworks by Elentra Privacy Policy").

Benchworks by Elentra Addendum: All survey responses are submitted utilizing the identical data encryption methodology (SSL) used to protect financial transactions conducted over the internet. Your response will be sent directly to Benchworks by Elentra. Your responses are provided to the organization/institution sponsoring this survey on a strictly anonymous basis. Such organization/institution will not be provided access to data that contains your personal identifier. If you prefer not to participate in the survey click on the Opt Out link in the email and you will not be contacted again with respect to this survey. This Addendum supersedes any inconsistent or contrary provision in the Benchworks by Elentra Privacy Policy.

  • Participating institutions have the option of uploading an institution specific consent form.
  • Results are presented in aggregate form only. Using data analysis tools, the results may be parsed by selected demographics, however results will not be displayed if the sorting reduces the results to 6 or fewer respondents.
  • Results are stored on a secure server located in a high security environment. 

Survey Response Data Availability

Benchworks by Elentra has established a policy for the release of individual survey responses. A data file is available via Benchworks Portal which provides all survey responses without any identifying information for individual responses.

In order for an institution to receive survey responses which identify individual participant responses, the institution must fulfill the following requirements as well as any other requirements of the institution’s IRB:

  1. Written approval from the institution’s IRB stating permission has been granted to gather identifying information from each participant. The institution must also agree when reporting results they will maintain the anonymity of the participants by not reporting results for groups of less than five.
  2. Each survey participant must be notified their response will not be anonymous and the institution will have access to identifying information. When administering surveys online, the "Consent" section on the Welcome Page can be used to fulfill this requirement. When administering paper surveys, a written consent statement must be provided to each participant and the participant must sign the consent and return with the completed survey.




Benchworks by Elentra will provide "University Name" the results with your name and email tied to your response in order for the "University Name" to conduct their own analysis and research. By completing this survey you agree to allow Benchworks by Elentra to release your name and email tied to your response.

Benchworks by Elentra reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time.