Best Practices: Increasing Response Rates

This article includes valuable information on Best Practices for increasing response rates through incentives.

Various factors, including the data collection process, can influence response rates. One effective method is to conduct surveys during in-person meetings with high attendance, as this ensures that respondents have sufficient time and focus to complete the survey. Additionally, some institutions have incorporated our survey into their graduation requirements. Following up personally with non-responders is another effective strategy to boost response rates.


Considerations to keep in mind are as follows:

  • Survey fatigue, which arises when there are an excessive number of surveys being conducted on campus. It is important to be mindful of this and find ways to alleviate it to boost response rates.
  • To increase response rates, you can seek help from the IT or IR department to select a representative sample of participants instead of surveying everyone. This approach allows for a more efficient data collection process while still gathering valuable insights.
  • Collaborate with other campus organizations to strategically schedule surveys.
  • Take into account the mindset of students, such as whether they are currently attending classes or if it is during midterm or finals season.
  • Include an estimated time for completing the survey in the invitation, typically around 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Restrict the use of ISQs to information that is essential and necessary, rather than asking questions that are nice to know but not crucial.
  • Hide irrelevant questions (Benchworks support can do this upon request)
  • Mandate participation during class time.
  • Utilize the strategy of sending all reminder emails to increase response rates.
  • It is recommended to keep surveys open for a duration of one month for current students and extend it to two months for alumni. This allows participants ample time to complete the survey at their convenience and increases the likelihood of receiving a higher number of responses.
  • It is recommended to conclude the survey two weeks prior to graduation for optimal results.
  • Avoid conducting surveys during holiday periods.
  • Track your survey responses by utilizing the Manage Participants feature.
  • Ensure that reminder emails are concise and to the point.
  • Promote the incentive right from the start and make it known to participants.

Incentive ideas:

  • Achieving a specific response rate will result in a fun and rewarding pizza party for participants.
  • Dining coupons.
  • Bookstore coupons
  • Amazon gift card
  • Early room selection